The village activities
Welcome to the village activities at Aktion Österbotten. Here you will find current information and helpful advice for village activities. Aktion Österbotten is the umbrella organization for the villages in Ostrobothnia. Aktion Österbotten is a member of Suomen Kylät ry as well as Svensk Byaservice.
The residents in rural areas actively participate in the development of their own living environment. The activities are carried out through associations in the villages, either by village associations or associations with other focuses. Ostrobothnia has over 300 villages where villagers actively participate in the development of their own surroundings. The activities are often centered around a village house.
The village activities will play a bigger role in the future regarding societal impact, and therefore, people must be able to agree on who does what and not just consider their own association but strive for cooperation.
Our villages in Ostrobothnia
In Ostrobothnia, there are active villages and active villagers. Aktion Österbotten aims to highlight active villages and active individuals. Village of the Month is an article series that presents a different Ostrobothnian village each month.
Through this series, we aim to showcase good examples of village development in the region and, at the same time, spread these examples to others.
Yearly honors
The competitions ‘Village of the Year,’ ‘Local Actor of the Year,’ ‘Face of Rural Areas of the Year,’ and ‘Young Local Actor of the Year’ honestly reward villages and individuals for their long-term work for rural areas.

For inspiration
Business funding for rural areas is provided to start, develop, and invest in business activities. If you have a farm unit, you can receive business support for experiments related to the renewal of operations on your farm.

See Ostrobothnia
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Ostrobothnia has over 300 villages where villagers actively participate in the development of their own surroundings. Aktion Österbotten r.f. is the umbrella organization for the villages in Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia.

Suomen Kylät ry
Suomen kylät is a national umbrella organization for village activities in Finland.
Suomen Kylät ry promotes and develops the village movement and other local development at the national level. Suomen kylät has 130 member organizations. Regional village associations, local action groups (LAG, LEADER), and national organizations (e.g., SPEK) are members of Suomen kylät.
On this link to the website of Suomen Kylät, you will find more information.

News from the Ostrobothnia Regional Council
The Ostrobothnia Regional Council is a joint authority for the Ostrobothnian municipalities. The Ostrobothnia Regional Council is part of the administration at the regional level.
Approximately 30 experts work at the council’s office.

Svenskfinlands Byar
Svenskfinlands Byar established in 1994, is a collaborative forum for rural development in Swedish-speaking Finland.
Svenskfinlands Byar has close cooperation with regional village associations and local action groups.. We work to support and assist the villages in their activities. Svenskfinlands Byar is not an umbrella organization and does not aim to control the activities. The village decides. Svenskfinlands Byar disseminates information and helps villages learn from each other.
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