Aktion Österbotten
LAG Aktion Österbotten
Aktion Österbotten is committed to fostering sustainable rural development in the Ostrobothnia region. Through networking, collaboration, and support for local communities, businesses, and associations, we work to create opportunities for growth and innovation. Our aim is to empower rural actors, encourage cooperation, and drive positive change that benefits everyone in the region.
What we do
For Businesses
You can receive LEADER funding for the establishment, development, and investments of your business located in rural areas.
For Developers
In Ostrobothnia, there are over 300 villages where residents actively participate in the development of their local environment. Aktion Österbotten r.f. serves as the umbrella organization for these villages in the region.
VISIO 2030: The rural areas of Österbotten are family-friendly, tolerant, and open-minded. The region has a rich cultural life, a strong sense of community, and an international atmosphere. The rural areas of Österbotten provide conditions for a safe and sustainable life and bold entrepreneurship, all close at hand. The countryside is unique and renews itself courageously.
Our Ostrobothnia 2030
Our development strategy, Our Ostrobothnia, forms the foundation for the region’s development. The strategy outlines what needs to be done to create the desired future. Our Ostrobothnia represents our collective development goals, aimed at creating a place where it is safe to grow up and where conditions exist to build a good and sustainable future.
We based our strategic work on the UN’s global Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development*). From these, we identified the six most essential goals for our region, without neglecting the others.
We aimed to align these goals with the region’s local development needs, showing that necessary changes can be achieved through small actions.
Since the principles of the Leader approach include regional anchoring, cross-sectoral cooperation, and development that grows from the grassroots, we did not start by building an Agenda 2030 strategy.
Of the Leader principles, networking, local partnerships, and collaboration between regions and internationally are particularly emphasized when creating local solutions to achieve sustainable development goals.
Priority areas
A vibrant and innovative Ostrobothnia
- Youth entrepreneurship
- Sense of community
- Environmental awareness
- Internationalism
Innovative and bold entrepreneurship in Ostrobothnia
- Competitiveness
- Sense of community
- Circular economy and environmental knowledge
Smart rural Ostrobothnia
- Self-sufficiency and preparedness
- Networking and cooperation
- Foresight and future skills
A united and welcoming Ostrobothnia
- Renewal
- Digital competence
- Strengthening cultural heritage
ÅRETS BY 2024 – Norrnäs
I hela 24 år har Aktion Österbotten i samråd med Österbottens förbund årligen utsett Årets by i landskapet. Och 2024 var det Norrnäs tur att kamma hem titeln. Målet är att finna aktiva byar, framgångsrik byaverksamhet och få goda exempel på byarnas verksamheter,...
ÅRETS LOKALAKTÖR 2024 – Markus Wilson
Österbottens lokalaktör 2024 är Närpesbördige Markus Wilson, numera bosatt i Malax. Markus står för sitt enastående och brinnande engagemang för Juniorhockeyn i Malax, som vinnare av utmärkelsen Årets lokalaktör med följande motivering. Med ett gediget intresse för...
Årets landsbygdsansikte i Österbotten 2024 är köpman Sofia Björklund från Norrnäs. Sofia tror på småskalig butiksservice på landsbygden trots att trenden går mot stormarknader. Att hon tog över inte bara en utan två nedläggningshotade bybutiker i Närpes, är en av...